University of California, Riverside School of Medicine

UC Riverside

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Transforming teaching by providing learning and support to the faculty of the University of California at Riverside School of Medicine through the Teaching Excellence Academy, workshops, webinars, podcasts, consultation, and online resources. View our upcoming programs and events here.

Stay connected with the Office of Faculty Development by enrolling in our mailing list. 

By enrolling in our mailing list, you'll receive updates on upcoming workshops, sessions, and become a recipient of the department monthly newsletter. Stay informed by enrolling here.  

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Purchase the book: White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism

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The University of California, Riverside School of Medicine has purchased, an online resource dedicated to supporting community preceptors and faculty as they train the next generation of physicians.

The site contains over 100 pages of content in 12 different sections. Each section contains quick tips, videos, audio interviews, answers to frequently asked questions, and links to in-depth resources. Faculty can earn up to 40.00 CME by reading the content on the website.

For login information contact the Office of Faculty Development.


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The Art of Delegation is an article in the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity that discusses the influence of delegating tasks. Check it out.

Should You Allow Laptops in Class? Here's What the Latest Study Adds to That Debate is an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education that discusses results from a replication study for the oft-referenced Mueller and Oppenheimer 2014 study. It's clear that the jury is still out, but this new study brings more nuance to the discussion.

More online teaching resources available here.

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